Increase upload file size by wordpress filter

In most of time we are facing uploading issues for larger files because of its size limits. In previous article I have covered all 6 ways to increase this limits by using…

How to Increase Maximum Upload File Size in WordPress

At some times we are facing issue while uploading a high file size in WordPress and WordPress shows this error “exceeds the maximum upload size for this site”. So then…

How to host JS or CSS files on Google Drive

There are 2 ways to include JS and CSS files in our project. By the first way we are storing this js/css files in our project and second way we…
Hide Payment Methods in Woocommerce Checkout Page

Remove woocommerce payment gateway programmatically

Woocommerce provides payment gateway options under woocommerce settings menu. But at sometimes we want to disable this payment gateway programmatically for debugging purpose or any other reason as per our…

Add custom widget to wordpress admin widget interface

WordPress is amazing content management system with lots of great builtin features and widget is one of those. WordPress installation comes with some default widgets. but some times websites or…

Add custom Metaboxes to wordpress admin post interface

Post Meta Box : WordPress allow us to add custom meta boxes to posts, pages and custom post types via the admin interface. Creating custom meta boxes is extremely simple,…